
The Butterfly Lion Book Report

Tile of Book:     The Butterfly Lion Author:    Michael Morpurgo Genre: Children's Story Characters:  Bertie, Millie, The White Prince Setting:  Timbavati in Africa, England, France Summary: The Butterfly Lion book is about a boy who runs away from school and finds a old lady named Millie. Then they started talking and then Jack the boy asked why is there a lion carved outside in your garden? Then Millie said to Jack that was my husband Bertie's lion,  then she said i'll tell you the story. So Bertie lived in Timbavati in Africa on a Game farm and had no friends just his parents then one day we saw this lion needing help and he rushed to go and save him and took him home. Then one day his parents said that the lion was getting to big and needed to go so then as sad as it was the lion went to a citrus and later on he found lion and bought him to England. Bertie was very happy again. Lesson from book: Nothing is impossible My Feelings about book:

Our Visit to Checkers

 Yesterday we went to Checkers next to Sandown Road. It was a very fun and we bought a lot of Fruits. For Checkers we all got split into groups and everyone had to bring R20,00 each. In my group I had Cailyn, Hannes,Ty and I. We got a shopping list of lots of Fruits like Apples, Pineapples,Oranges and Kiwis. Then we went to go get our trolleys. Then we went to go get our fruits and we had to go weigh our things that we bought. Then we went to the till and payed for our Fruits and we had more money so we went back and bought more fruits. Then we were done it was really fun, we came back in the bus and it was break. The next day we took our fruits out and made things with them and we made a person with a smiley face next to it and it was really fun but the group that had the best one got 5 merits but it was no ours, sadly but it was still fun. I had a great time at Checkers and making things with Fruits at school!

The Grade 4 Camp

Last week we were on Camp. We went to Simonsberg. We went on a very Big bus and we drove to Giraffe House and a guy showed us a Reptile Show. He showed us a Python and a small snake and this type of lizard. Then we went for a walk and we saw Ostriches, Giraffes and Zebras.Then we ate our snack and then they give us ice-creams and they were really nice. Then went back on the bus and went to Simonsberg Christian Centre. Then they showed us to our dorms and we packed our stuff out and I spent the nights with Summer M and Wawi and then  went for a tour in the forest.We went for a night hike and the man told us a lot of facts on  the stars and a lot of difference things. The next day we did all the activities and we went swimming. The activities that we did was the Obstacle Course, Elkanah's got Talent,bonfire,Building forts in the forest and lots of other things. When it was home time we got on to the bus and we went back to school and i went home and I felt really good because