The Butterfly Lion Book Report

Tile of Book:  
 The Butterfly Lion

 Michael Morpurgo

Children's Story

Bertie, Millie, The White Prince

Timbavati in Africa, England, France

The Butterfly Lion book is about a boy who runs away from school and finds a old lady named Millie. Then they started talking and then Jack the boy asked why is there a lion carved outside in your garden? Then Millie said to Jack that was my husband Bertie's lion,  then she said i'll tell you the story. So Bertie lived in Timbavati in Africa on a Game farm and had no friends just his parents then one day we saw this lion needing help and he rushed to go and save him and took him home. Then one day his parents said that the lion was getting to big and needed to go so then as sad as it was the lion went to a citrus and later on he found lion and bought him to England. Bertie was very happy again.

Lesson from book:
Nothing is impossible

My Feelings about book:
I think that the book has a lot of details but it is a bit long.

Image result for the butterfly lion


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